What is Brain Integration Technique?
Brain Integration Technique is a non-invasive type of therapy designed to restore normal connections in the brain by removing stresses or blocks in the neurological pathways. When proper blood flow is restored to the specific area of the brain that is related to the learning dysfunction, the brain is able to operate properly and the symptoms of the learning disability or ADHD lessen or in some cases completely disappear.
What happens in a session?
The first session of treatment includes an initial assessment that serves as a benchmark against which to evaluate future change. During this session, we assess the electro-magnetic activity in the brain using muscle monitoring and acupressure. This technique reveals the specific brain areas that need the most attention. At the end of the assessment we can tell the client the probable length of treatment required in their individual case. This session takes one hour.
Subsequent sessions involve correcting the specific brain areas that showed in the assessment. The correction technique involves a very light touch on specific acupressure points to re-establish electro-magnetic integrity within the brain. Thus brain functioning is improved. This is done by pinpointing stress points in the brain that effect learning, and relieving these individual stress patterns.
What age is best for Brain Integration?
BIT can be done at any age; it is not just for children. However, the younger the child the better the correction, as the brain is still maturing.
We have treated children as young as 4 months old as well as adults in their 90’s.
Who can benefit from BIT?
Anyone who wants to live life to their maximum potential may benefit from BIT.
While brain integration was specifically designed for learning disabilities, ADHD and dyslexia, we have had good results with other conditions. Some of them include: allergies, pain, injuries, autism, stroke recovery, emotional healing, hypotonia, dystonia and other developmental delays. BIT is also used to improve sports performance and coordination. BIT can improve memory and concentration as well as help with behavioral issues.
What should I do to prepare for an appointment?
Before each appointment you should make sure to get plenty of rest the night before. Wear comfortable clothes and drink a lot of water.
Will BIT work for someone with brain damage?
If there is organic brain damage, there may still be improvement after Brain Integration but it will be limited depending on the location of the damage. Even those who were suspected to have damage (e.g., Autistic tendencies) often improve significantly enough that the suspected damage is no longer evident.
We can enable the brain to learn within any limitations posed by organic brain damage. However, we do not make the brain learn. Learning new information requires studying and perseverance on the part of the client.
Is there any side effect to Brain Integration Technique?
Some people may get a slight headache on the day of treatment. This is due to the change of the blood flow in the brain and is generally a good sign that change is taking place. The headache will usually go away within an hour after treatment. Some of our clients report having cold feet during the session. This also usually goes away within the hour. BIT may make you very sleepy. Rest is essential after a session.
Is Brain Integration Technique covered by insurance?
Unfortunately not. We do not take insurance and we do not bill insurance. Brain Integration practitioners are certified practitioners through the Crossinology Institute. We are not doctors and cannot provide diagnostic codes. Payment is due at time of service.
What kind of results should I expect with BIT?
We consistently improve the learning ability of the individuals we treat. After Brain Integration, they are generally able to read with higher comprehension, learn and retain spelling words easier, understand mathematical concepts, become physically coordinated and modulate their emotional responses. In the majority of cases, medications are not needed after treatment.
However, while we give our clients the ability to learn, the amount of improvement is still dependent on their participation in school.
How quickly will I see results?
Every individual is different. Some people feel different during the treatment, and some do not feel anything until after the integration is entirely complete. Sometimes, it is the people around the integrated person who notice the changes first. The time frame can range from a few days to a few months. Therefore, external variables like family and school dynamics can effect when and how the integration takes hold.
What is Muscle ReActivation Technique?
Muscle ReActivation Technique is a non-invasive technique designed to balance the muscular system of people of all ages. Muscle ReActivation technique is useful in correcting muscle imbalances throughout the body. This may help people recover faster from injuries or potentially stop or reduce the re-occurrence of old injuries. Muscle ReActivation may be very useful in assisting in the recovery of stroke and also for people with hypotonia (low muscle tone) or other muscle weakness. It is important to note that a BIT practitioner is not a physical therapist or a doctor. Muscle reactivation technique does not replace regular medical care.
What does C.H.E.K. stand for?
Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology